
James Heappey weekly column

Over the past week, the Government has launched its Homes for Ukraine scheme for people in the UK to be able to offer their homes to host Ukrainian refugees.

James Heappey weekly column

A huge number of constituents have got in touch with me over the past couple of weeks regarding the situation in Ukraine, showcasing the strength of feeling at this tragic time.

James Heappey weekly column

It is only right that I write this column about the situation in Ukraine – something I hoped I wouldn’t have to do.

The sanctions from the British Government – and governments around the world – have shown Russia that we are united with Ukraine who are fighting unbelievably admirably.

James Heappey weekly column

Our NHS have done an extraordinary job under immense pressure throughout the pandemic, treating Covid patients and delivering the vaccine and booster rollouts. Their tireless work has saved countless lives and all our NHS workers deserve every praise.

James Heappey weekly column

As I write this column, the Levelling Up strategy has been unveiled by the Government, illustrating plans for how to close the gap between richer and poorer areas of the country.